Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Ron Paul draws support from a wide range

Ron Paul has apparently found support from a brothel owner in Nevada.
From the MSNBC article:

"I'll get all the (working girls) together, and we can raise him some money," Hof told the Reno Gazette-Journal. "I'll put up a collection box outside the door. They can drop in $1, $5 contributions."

I have the same exact view as Ron Paul does on the issue of prostitution. I don't think that the government should be making laws against it, and at the same time I don't support it. I always like it when I hear this argument (from women) that prostitution is degrading and it should not be legal. In my personal opinion starving is degrading. Some may have the choice of being a prostitute or not eating. I see that as a simple choice, I like to eat. For those that may be in this financial situation, should we make their effort to eat an illegal activity? I will grant that the case of the starving prostitute may not be the most common scenario for those involved in this business venture. If anyone has data on this let me know. I would like to see a study showing the number of prostitutes that fall below the poverty line. Where is the Bureau of Labor Statistics when you need them?


"Perhaps your grip on reality is not quite as firm as you might have hoped" - Todd Connelly

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment. -Learned Hand, jurist (1872-1961)

What does all of this do to the best minds among the students? Most of them endure their college years with the teeth-clenched determination of serving out a jail sentence. The psychological scars they acquire in the process are incalculable. But they struggle as best they can to preserve their capacity to think, sensing dimly that the essence of the torture is an assault on their mind. And what they feel toward their school ranges from mistrust to resentment to contempt to hatred – intertwined with a sense of exhaustion and excruciating boredom.

--Ayn Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal