Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Government's Black Hole

America is number one! (at least in prisons populations). It should be pointed out that this is not just for per capita but also for overall totals as well. Many different places are experiencing overcrowding in their prisons, the state of California is one of these places. Prison of course is not a desirable place to be. Stefan Molyneux refers to prisons as "dungeon rape rooms" , which of course they are. There are people in these horrible places that don't belong there. Some, are not even charged with crimes.

Just imagine how many more people the State will be able to put in schackles once they start making use of the FEMA camps. The Military Commisions Act of 2006 basically revoked haebus corpus. All of this and more is covered in the article by William Grigg which I recommend, called "Sentence First, Trial Never".

My favorite part:
"Federal prosecutors, it shouldn't be necessary to point out, are formed from the congealed scum that suppurates out through the cracks of our most prestigious law schools."
Click here to read the full article.
Happy reading.

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"Perhaps your grip on reality is not quite as firm as you might have hoped" - Todd Connelly

"They that can give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment. -Learned Hand, jurist (1872-1961)

What does all of this do to the best minds among the students? Most of them endure their college years with the teeth-clenched determination of serving out a jail sentence. The psychological scars they acquire in the process are incalculable. But they struggle as best they can to preserve their capacity to think, sensing dimly that the essence of the torture is an assault on their mind. And what they feel toward their school ranges from mistrust to resentment to contempt to hatred – intertwined with a sense of exhaustion and excruciating boredom.

--Ayn Rand Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal